Ultimate Courtroom OFTHE State Away from NEWYORKCOUNTY Regarding SUFFOLKOCWEN Financing Servicing, LLC,V
Location would depend uponthe Condition where themortgaged premise is found
LAROSE; VALERY ALTIMY;CLERK Of SUFFOLKCOUNT Y DI ST R ICTCOURT, Defendants IndexNo. 61 MortgagedPremises: 84 Herman AvenueNorth Babylon, Ny 11703District: 0100 Point: Block: Lot: Into the More than NAMEDDEFENDANTS: Your AREHEREBY SUMMONED toanswer the newest Grievance inside the theabove captioned action andto serve a copy of your Respond to towards Plaintiff ‘s attorney inside twenty (20) daysafter the service regarding the Summons, exclusive of your own dayof provider, otherwise within thirty(30) days immediately after achievement ofservice in which services try madein any other manner than simply bypersonal birth inside theState. (más…)